Friday, May 8, 2009

New Word Sudoku (Qudoku!) Puzzles for Friday, 5/8/2009

New Word Sudoku (Qudoku!) Puzzles for Friday, 5/8/2009

We’re in the middle of a "words to live by" theme I found online in an article by Jessica Ashley, a writer for Yahoo’s Shine, in the Shine "Healthy Living" section, last March (

Today’s quotation providing you "words to live by" comes from Confucius.

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column, 2x3 rectangle and set of circled cells contains the letters in the word exactly once

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column, 2x3 rectangle and set of circled cells contains the letters in the word exactly once

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column, 2x3 rectangle and set of circled cells contains the letters in the word exactly once
Copy circled letters to the corresponding numbered cells in the quote grid to spell out the quote

Solutions in the morning.


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