Monday, October 12, 2009

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Monday, 10/12/2009

photo: Wikimedia Commons

On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus (1451 - 1505) landed in the Bahamas. He was looking for a new trade route; he ‘discovered’ a new world.

And, apparently, he treated it like it was all his: he enslaved the native peoples he mistakenly called ‘Indians,’ forced Christianity on them, and he and his crew brought with them new diseases the new world had never seen.

A controversy continues to grow over whether America should celebrate this national holiday, given Columbus’ actions. Intrepid discoverer? Or violent slave trader? Or… both? A great exposition of the issue is online at

We remember the occasion with two quotes, one actually pretty darn pompous from Columbus himself, and the other a succinct summary of Columbus’ discovery.

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column, 2x3 rectangle and set of circled cells contains the letters in the word exactly once

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column, 2x3 rectangle and set of circled cells contains the letters in the word exactly once

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column, 2x3 rectangle and set of circled cells contains the letters in the word exactly once
Copy circled letters to the corresponding numbered cells in the quote grid to spell out the quote

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column, 2x3 rectangle and set of circled cells contains the letters in the word exactly once

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column, 2x3 rectangle and set of circled cells contains the letters in the word exactly once

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column, 2x3 rectangle and set of circled cells contains the letters in the word exactly once
Copy circled letters to the corresponding numbered cells in the quote grid to spell out the quote


Today is also Thanksgiving Day in Canada. I obviously don’t mark every nation’s holidays; I choose to mark some of Canada’s because I attended graduate school in Toronto. Find a more diverse metropolitan city! I loved the place, loved riding the street cars through the different cultural hubs…loved eating all that food! Happy Thanksgiving, Canada!

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column, 2x3 rectangle and set of circled cells contains the letters in the word exactly once

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column, 2x3 rectangle and set of circled cells contains the letters in the word exactly once

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column, 2x3 rectangle and set of circled cells contains the letters in the word exactly once
Copy circled letters to the corresponding numbered cells in the quote grid to spell out the quote

Solutions first thing in the morning.


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