Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Solution to Monday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Monday, September 29, 2008
New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Monday, 9/29/2008

Classic 9x9 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Solution to the Sunday Challenge Hidden Word Sudoku Puzzle

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sunday Challenge: New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Sunday, 9/28/2008
Today's 12x12 Hidden Word Sudoku Puzzle--aka the Sunday Challenge--is based on the letters in the anagram MRS TEN POLICY. Good luck!

Sunday Challenge
Solution first thing in the morning. And don't forget--beginning Wednesday, October 1, I'm presenting more than a weeks' worth of "Qudoku" puzzles in all sorts of Sudoku grid sizes; A Qudoku puzzle is a combination of Sudoku and a quote, where the Sudoku solution feeds letters to the quote. I think you'll like the variety and challenge it will provide you!
Solution to Saturday's Diagonal Word Sudoku Puzzle

Saturday, September 27, 2008
New Diagonal Word Sudoku Puzzle for Saturday, 9/27/2008

Diagonal 9x9 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Solution to Friday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Friday, September 26, 2008
New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Friday, 9/26/2008
Well, the week is almost over! Today's Classic 9x9 Word Sudoku puzzle is pretty easy; it's based on the word VULCANIZE:

Solution in the morning, followed by the Saturday Diagonal Word Sudoku puzzle and then Sunday with the 12x12 Sunday Challenge.
Solutions to Thursday's Word Sudoku Puzzles

Thursday, September 25, 2008
New Word Sudoku Puzzles for Thursday, 9/25/2008
Two puzzles for you today!
The first is the standard daily offering: a 9x9 Classic Word Sudoku puzzle based on the word CHORDATES:

After you've polished off that easy one, here's another that may be a bit larger bite. It's a 10x10 Hidden Word Sudoku puzzle. Given the letters in the anagram HEINOUS TAX, solve the Sudoku puzzle, spelling the hidden word or phrase down the diagonal.

Each row, column and 2x5 rectangle contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once
Solutions in the morning, as usual. We're getting close to the weekend; Stop by Saturday for a Diagonal Word Sudoku puzzle, and Sunday, of course, I'll throw you my customary Sunday Challenge--a 12x12 Hidden Word Sudoku puzzle.
And next week, beginning October 1, we'll take a week-long (or so) departure from the usual daily Classic Word Sudoku puzzle, and present a series of "Qudoku" puzzles--my term for Sudokus whose solutions feed letters into a quote. Sort of a poor man's cryptogram, since you don't have to have any 'cryptogrammatical' skills to discover the quote--only Sudoku skills. You've seen a few already in this blog, but I'll put them in perspective--and provide you quite a number of hopefully fun and moderately challenging puzzles in the process!
Solution to Wednesday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Wednesday, 9/24/2008

Solution to Tuesday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Tuesday, 9/23/2008

9x9 Classic Word Sudoku Puzzle
Solution to Monday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Monday, September 22, 2008
New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Monday, 9/22/2008

Solution to the Sunday Challenge Hidden Word Sudoku Puzzle

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sunday Challenge: New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Sunday, 9/21/2008

Sunday Challenge: 12x12 Hidden Word Sudoku Puzzle
The hidden word or phrase is spelled down the diagonal

Saturday, September 20, 2008
New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Saturday, 9/20/2008

Solution to Friday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Friday, September 19, 2008
New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Friday, 9/19/2008

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once
Solutions to Thursday's Word Sudoku Puzzles

Thursday, September 18, 2008
New Word Sudoku Puzzles for Thursday, 9/18/2008

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Hidden Word Sudoku Puzzle
Solution to Wednesday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Wednesday, 9/17/2008

Solution to Tuesday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Tuesday, 9/16/2008

Solutions to Monday's Word Sudoku Puzzles
Yesterday's Classic Word Sudoku puzzle was based on the words KID GLOVES:
The second puzzle yesterday was the fifth of five I've presented in answer to a recent NPR Sunday Puzzle poser: Find a nine-distinct-letter word using all five vowels, where the vowels occupy the odd-numbered letter positions. The hidden word's anagram you had to work with was INSURE A OK:
Monday, September 15, 2008
New Word Sudoku Puzzles for Monday, 9/15/2008
Today's 9x9 Classic Word Sudoku puzzle is based on the words KID GLOVES:

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once
And, finishing up our through-the-weekend AEIOU Sudoku puzzle theme, here's the final puzzle I'll present as a possible solution to NPR Puzzle Master and New York Times Crossword Editor Will Shortz' poser on a recent NPR Sunday Puzzle feature: Find a nine-distinct-letter word using all five vowels, where the vowels occupy the odd-numbered letter positions. The hidden word runs down the diagonal; the anagram you get to work with is INSURE A OK. It is no clue whatsoever to the hidden word! It's just an anagram.
AEIOU (Odd) Sudoku: 9x9 Hidden Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the anagram exactly once
The hidden word or phrase is spelled down the diagonal and contains all 5 vowels (a, e, i, o and u, in some order)
In addition, the odd-numbered positions of the hidden word or phrase are vowels
Solutions to the Sunday Challenge Hidden Word Sudoku Puzzles
Yesterday's 12x12 Hidden Word Sudoku puzzle was based on the letters in the anagram MATRIX BODE US:

And the bonus puzzle, an AEIOU Sudoku puzzle, was based on the letters in the anagram ORE UNTIL A:
A new puzzle in just a bit. Please be sure to come back: Later this week, I'll give you a bonus 9x9 Hidden Word Sudoku puzzle. They're easier than the 12x12's!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sunday Challenge: New Word Sudoku Puzzles for Sunday, 9/14/2008
Today's Sunday Challenge is based on the letters in the anagram MATRIX BODE US. Solve the 12x12 Word Sudoku puzzle and spell out the hidden word or phrase down the diagonal.

Each row, column and 3x4 rectangle contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once
The hidden word or phrase is spelled down the diagonal
AEIOU (Odd) Sudoku: 9x9 Hidden Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the anagram exactly once
The hidden word or phrase is spelled down the diagonal and contains all 5 vowels (a, e, i, o and u, in some order)
In addition, the odd-numbered letter positions of the hidden word or phrase are vowels
Solution first thing in the morning. Good luck!
Solutions to Saturday's Word Sudoku Puzzles
The 9x9 Diagonal Word Sudoku puzzle was based on the word NEPHROTIC:
The second AEIOU (odd) Sudoku puzzle was based on the letters in the anagram IN AUTOS BE:
The Sunday Challenge coming your way soon!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
New Word Sudoku Puzzles for Saturday, 9/13/2008

Each diagonal, row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once
Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the anagram exactly once
The hidden word or phrase is spelled down the diagonal and contains all 5 vowels (a, e, i, o and u, in some order)
In addition, the odd-numbered letter positions of the hidden word or phrase are vowels
Solutions first thing in the morning.
Solutions to Friday's Word Sudoku Puzzles
The first puzzle was based on the word YARMULKES:

A Diagonal Word Sudoku puzzle and another AEIOU (odd) Sudoku puzzle coming your way in a bit!
Friday, September 12, 2008
New Word Sudoku Puzzles for Friday, 9/12/2008
Today's 9x9 Classic Word Sudoku puzzle is based on the word YARMULKES:

9x9 Classic Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once
Your second puzzle today continues the AEIOU theme I began yesterday, where I'm presenting puzzles that answer a puzzler posed by NPR Puzzle Master and New York Times Crossword Editor Will Shortz: find a nine-distinct-letter word using all five vowels, where the vowels are in the odd-numbered letter positions (so the word is in the form VCVCVCVCV, where V=vowel and C=consonant).
Yesterday I presented you the first of the 10 possible solutions I found. I will probably present you the five or so most common words as puzzles; the remainder are, if not downright arcane, at least unusual or quite specific to a scientific domain. Here's the next one.
AEIOU (Odd) Sudoku: 9x9 Hidden Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the anagram exactly once
The hidden word or phrase is spelled down the diagonal and contains all 5 vowels (a, e, i, o and u, in some order)
In addition, the odd-numbered letter positions of the hidden word or phrase are vowels
Solutions first thing in the morning. Later Saturday, I'll present a Diagonal Word Sudoku puzzle. And of course, on Sunday, I'll present you with a tougher Sunday Challenge, a 12x12 Hidden Word Sudoku puzzle.
Solutions to Thursday's Word Sudoku Puzzles
Yesterday's first puzzle, the normal 9x9 Classic, was based on the words RIOT SQUAD:

The second Word Sudoku puzzle I presented you yesterday was one of my AEIOU Sudoku puzzles, where the hidden word uses all five vowels; I also added the caveat that the vowels were in the odd-numbered letter positions. The anagram of the hidden word was SO MAIN CUE.
Two new puzzles for you in a few hours.