Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Challenge: New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Sunday, 8/31/2008

Sunday Challenge: New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Sunday, 8/31/2008

Each Sunday, I try to provide you a bit more of a challenge than the usual Classic 9x9 Word Sudoku puzzle.

Today's 12x12 Hidden Word Sudoku puzzle is based on the letters in the anagram LOG HIS OX PREY:

Sunday Challenge: 12x112 Hidden Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column and 3x4 rectangle contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once
The hidden word or phrase is spelled down the diagonal

Solution in the morning. Good luck!


Solution to Saturday's Diagonal Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to Saturday's Diagonal Word Sudoku Puzzle

Yesterday's Diagonal Word Sudoku puzzle was based on the word PULMONARY:
The Sunday Challenge in a few hours.


Saturday, August 30, 2008

New Diagonal Word Sudoku Puzzle for Saturday, 8/30/2008

New Diagonal Word Sudoku Puzzle for Saturday, 8/30/2008

Today's Diagonal Word Sudoku puzzle is based on the word PULMONARY:

9x9 Diagonal Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each diagonal, row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Solution in the morning, followed later by the Sunday Challenge.


Solutions to Friday's Word Sudoku Puzzles

Solutions to Friday's Word Sudoku Puzzles

The simple Word Sudoku puzzle was based on the word TARNISHED:
The mean, nasty, devious puzzle was based on the letters in the anagram FROM KNIGHT VALUES.
Please let me know what you thought of this puzzle!
A new puzzle in a few hours.


Friday, August 29, 2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzles for Friday, 8/29/2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzles for Friday, 8/29/2008

Two puzzles for you today. The first, the usual Classic 9x9 Word Sudoku puzzle, is based on the word TARNISHED:

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

The toughie is a 16x16 Word Sudoku Puzzle with a linked quote-what I call a "Qu-doku", or an "AEIOU Sudoku", because the quote contains all five vowels. (I have copyrighted both phrases.)
16x16 Qu-doku Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column and 4x4 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once
Letters in the hidden word or phrase are circled and correspond to numbers in the quote
Solve the puzzle; figure out the quote!

Solutions first thing in the morning.

(9/3/2008 Note--Oops! I apologize. I've edited the original post to correct the anagram on the tough puzzle. Now try it!)

Solution to Thursday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to Thursday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Yesterday's Word Sudoku puzzle was based on the words NUT-SHAPED:
Two Word Sudoku puzzles coming your way in a few hours, the regular Classic 9x9 and a tougher (-est?) 16x16 "Qu-doku"...for Quote Sudoku, of course!


Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Thursday, 8/28/2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Thursday, 8/28/2008

Today's Word Sudoku puzzle is based on the words NUT-SHAPED:

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Solution in the morning.


Solution to Wednesday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to Wednesday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Yesterday's puzzle was based on the word REVOCABLY:
A new puzzle in a few hours.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Wednesday, 8/27/2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Wednesday, 8/27/2008

Today's Classic 9x9 Word Sudoku puzzle is based on the word REVOCABLY:

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Solution first thing in the morning. And later this week, I'll throw you a very large challenge: a 16x16 Word Sudoku puzzle that supplies individual letters that fit into a quote; your job is to solve the puzzle and figure out the quote.


Solution to Tuesday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to Tuesday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Yesterday's Classic 9x9 Word Sudoku puzzle was based on the word SHRINKAGE:
A new puzzle for you in a few hours.
Polite reminder: All puzzles in this blog are my creations, my exclusive property, my Copyright. I give you permission to print these puzzles for your personal solving pleasure, but not for any other purpose without obtianing my written permission. I plan to publish a book (or two or three) of puzzles like you see here. Thanks!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Tuesday, 8/26/2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Tuesday, 8/26/2008

Today's Classic 9x9 Word Sudoku puzzle is based on the word SHRINKAGE:

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Solution tomorrow morning.


Solution to Monday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to Monday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Yesterday's Word Sudoku puzzle was based on the word MISERABLY:
A new puzzle in a few hours.


Monday, August 25, 2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Monday, 8/25/2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Monday, 8/25/2008

Today's Classic 9x9 Word Sudoku puzzle is based on the word MISERABLY:

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Solution in the morning.


Solution to the Sunday Challenge Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to the Sunday Challenge Word Sudoku Puzzle

The Sunday Challenge was based on the letters in the anagram CULPA BIT OMEN:

A new Classic 9x9 Word Sudoku puzzle coming in just a bit.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday Challenge: New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Sunday, 8/24/2008

Sunday Challenge: New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Sunday, 8/24/2008

Each Sunday, I try to provide you a bit more of a challenge than the usual Classic 9x9 Word Sudoku puzzle. Not the ridiculously hard challenge currently in syndication-16x16 Sudoku puzzles in papers like my home town's paper, The Oregonian. I can solve a lot of Sudoku puzzles, but hardly ever a 16x16.

So I designed a medium challenge: a 12x12 Hidden Word Sudoku puzzle, where you use the letters in the provided anagram to solve the puzzle and discover the hidden word or phrase running down the diagonal. The twists include 3x4 internal rectangles instead of squares, letters instead of numbers, and an anagram that often provides an obscure clue that is recognizable as such only after you solve the puzzle.

Sunday Challenge: 12x12 Hidden Word Puzzle
Each row, column and 3x4 rectangle contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once
The hidden word or phrase is spelled down the diagonal

Solution first thing Monday morning.


Solution to Saturday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to Saturday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Saturday's puzzle was based on the word AUCTIONED:
The Sunday Challenge coming your way in a bit.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Saturday, 8/23/2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Saturday, 8/23/2008

Today's Classic 9x9 Word Sudoku puzzle is based on the word AUCTIONED:

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Solution in the morning. And later tomorrow, the Sunday Challenge: a 12x12 Hidden Word Sudoku puzzle with 3x4 internal rectangles. It'll give you a bit of a challenge!


Solution to Friday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to Friday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

The Word Sudoku puzzle was based on the word PECUNIARY:
A new Word Sudoku puzzle in just a bit. And tomorrow being Sunday, I'll provide you your Sunday Challenge.


Friday, August 22, 2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Friday, 8/22/2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Friday, 8/22/2008

Today's Classic 9x9 Word Sudoku puzzle is based on the word PECUNIARY:

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Solution in the morning, as usual!


Solutions to Thursday's Word Sudoku Puzzles

Solutions to Thursday's Word Sudoku Puzzles

The first (Classic 9x9) Word Sudoku puzzle yesterday was based on the word FLASHCUBE:
And the second puzzle, an 8x8 Hidden Word Sudoku puzzle, was based on the letters in the anagram OUR AIM BE:
A new puzzle in a few hours.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzles for Thursday, 8/21/2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzles for Thursday, 8/21/2008

Two puzzles for you today, the first the usual Classic 9x9 Word Sudoku puzzle, based on the word FLASHCUBE:

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

The next puzzle is an 8x8 Word Sudoku puzzle based on the letters in the anagram OUR AIM BE:

8x8 Hidden Word Sudoku Puzzle: OUR AIM BE
Each row, column and 2x4 rectangle contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once
The hidden word or phrase is spelled down the diagonal

Remember the trick about Sudoku puzzles with internal 2xX rectangles...please check out older posts explaining this.

Solutions first thing in the morning. Please let me know if you like (or hate) these puzzles!


Solution to Wednesday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to Wednesday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

The puzzle was based on the word KILOBAUDS:
Two new puzzles in a bit--the usual classic and an 8x8 Sudoku puzzle with internal 2x4 rectangles.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Wednesday, 8/20/2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Wednesday, 8/20/2008

Today's Classic 9x9 Word Sudoku puzzle is based on the word KILOBAUDS:

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Solution in the morning!


Solution to Tuesday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to Tuesday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Yesterday's puzzle was based on the word SCHNITZEL:

A new puzzle in just a bit!


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Tuesday, 8/19/2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Tuesday, 8/19/2008

Today's Classic 9x9 Word Sudoku puzzle is based on the word SCHNITZEL:

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Solution first thing in the morning!


Solution to Monday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to Monday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Yesterday's puzzle was based on the word FRAGMENTS.
A new Word Sudoku puzzle based on food coming right up!


Monday, August 18, 2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Monday, 8/18/2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Monday, 8/18/2008

Today's Classic Word Sudoku puzzle is based on the word FRAGMENTS:

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Solution first thing in the morning.


Solution to the Sunday Challenge Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to the Sunday Challenge Word Sudoku Puzzle

Yesterday's Sunday Challenge was based on the letters in the anagram CRAZY BOG HENS:

The solution is admittedly an unusual word--in fact, I couldn't find it in online dictionaries, which would normally rule it out for me. But I *did* find the singular form in various scientific articles, especially studies of abalone phylogenetics, for instance in the phrase "zygobranch gastropods"...

A new Word Sudoku puzzle coming your way soon. I promise the 9-distinct-letter word it's based on is perfectly normal, perfectly recognizable.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday Challenge: New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Sunday, 8/17/2008

Sunday Challenge: New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Sunday, 8/17/2008

Today's Sunday Challenge is the usual 12x12 Hidden Word Sudoku puzzle, with 3x4 internal rectangles. Today the puzzle is based on the letters in the anagram CRAZY BOG HENS:

Sunday Challenge: 12x12 Hidden Word Puzzle
Each row, column and 3x4 rectangle contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once
The hidden word or phrase is spelled down the diagonal

Good luck-the answer, a single 12-letter word, is a scientific term probably not in most people's vocabulary...


Solution to Saturday's Diagonal Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to Saturday's Diagonal Word Sudoku Puzzle

The puzzle was based on the noun Z PARTICLE:
Today's Sunday Challenge is coming your way soon.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

New Diagonal Word Sudoku Puzzle for Saturday, 8/16/2008

New Diagonal Word Sudoku Puzzle for Saturday, 8/16/2008

Remember a few days ago, when I mentioned that most of the words on my long list of 9-distinct-letter words were "pretty ordinary"??? Well, today's 9-distinct-letter noun must be the exception proving the rule...Z PARTICLE!

9x9 Diagonal Word Sudoku Puzzle: Z PARTICLE
Each diagonal, row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Solution Sunday morning, followed by the Sunday Challenge!


Solution to Friday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to Friday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Yesterday's puzzle was based on the word JOCKSTRAP:
A Diagonal Word Sudoku puzzle coming your way in just a few hours.


Friday, August 15, 2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Friday, 8/15/2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Friday, 8/15/2008

Today's classic Word Sudoku puzzle is based on the word JOCKSTRAP:

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Solutions tomorrow morning, followed by a 9x9 Diagonal Word Sudoku puzzle.


Solution to Thursday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to Thursday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

The pretty easy Word Sudoku puzzle was based on the phrase HARD TIMES:
A new puzzle coming right up.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Thursday, 8/14/2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Thursday, 8/14/2008

Today's 9x9 Classic Word Sudoku puzzle is based on the phrase HARD TIMES. I trust you will not have a hard time solving it!

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Solution first thing tomorrow.
And be sure to visit Saturday, when I'll offer a Diagonal Word Sudoku puzzle; and then, of course, on Sunday I'll throw the Sunday Challenge at you-it's a 12x12 Hidden Word Sudoku puzzle with 3x4 internal rectangles. (It may be hard, but it's not as hard as the newspaper syndicate's 16x16!)


Solution to Wednesday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to Wednesday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

The puzzle was based on the word FUMIGATED:
A new puzzle (based on a phrase rather than a word) is coming right up.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Wednesday, 8/13/2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Wednesday, 8/13/2008

The word today's classic Word Sudoku puzzle is based on, FUMIGATED, is much like any on my list of more than 10,000...most of us probably would never have thought of it, but we recognize it once we see it. It turns out that many 9-distinct-letter words are really, really ordinary...not like LOCATIVES, one of last week's words, which isn't usually in my vocabulary.

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Solution first thing in the morning!


Solution to Tuesday's Word Sudoku Puzzles

Solution to Tuesday's Word Sudoku Puzzles

Yesterday's first Word Sudoku puzzle was the normal 9x9 classic, based on the word REPLICANT:

The second puzzle was a bit tougher--a Hidden Word Sudoku puzzle based on the letters in the anagram HELP MY KIN; your challenge was to solve the puzzle and spell the hidden word or phrase down the diagonal:

A new puzzle coming your way in a few hours.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzles for Tuesday, 8/12/2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzles for Tuesday, 8/12/2008

Today I'm providing you an extra Word Sudoku puzzle, in addition to the usual. First, the classic 9x9, based on the word REPLICANT:

Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Next, a slightly tougher challenge: a 9x9 Hidden Word Sudoku puzzle, based on the letters in the anagram HELP MY KIN.

9x9 Hidden Word Sudoku Puzzle: HELP MY KIN
Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once
The hidden word or phrase is spelled down the diagonal

Please let me know if you like this kind of puzzle--and also, if you don't! I have a draft of a book that includes both; I'm working on a second book that has ONLY Hidden Word Sudoku puzzles. (And I've also got a third in the works that's full of those "AEIOU Sudoku" puzzles I showed you a while back--and I'll show you another one later this month.)

Solutions first thing in the morning.


Solution to Monday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to Monday's Word Sudoku Puzzle

Yesterday's classic 9x9 Word Sudoku puzzle was based on the word(s) YOUTH-LIKE:
Two new puzzles in just a few hours.


Monday, August 11, 2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Monday, 8/11/2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Monday, 8/11/2008

Today's classic 9x9 Word Sudoku puzzle is based on the word(s) YOUTH-LIKE:

2008 Puzzle: YOUTH-LIKE
Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Solution first thing in the morning. And tomorrow, two new puzzles coming your way!


Solution to the Sunday Challenge Word Sudoku Puzzle

Solution to the Sunday Challenge Word Sudoku Puzzle

The 12x12 Hidden Word Sudoku puzzle was based on the letters in the anagram I CLEAR SPONGY:

A new puzzle in just a few hours.
