Monday, May 27, 2013

Extra Word Sudoku (Qudoku!) Puzzle for Monday, 5/27/2013

The 2013 Pulitzer Prizes will be awarded next Thursday, May 30. In honor of this prestigious event, in the days leading up to the awards presentation I am presenting you a series of quotes from the newspaper magnate.

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column, 2x3 rectangle and set of circled cells contains the letters in the word exactly once

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column, 2x3 rectangle and set of circled cells contains the letters in the word exactly once

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column, 2x3 rectangle and set of circled cells contains the letters in the word exactly once

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle
Each row, column, 2x3 rectangle and set of circled cells contains the letters in the word exactly once
Copy circled letters to the corresponding numbered cells in the quote grid to spell out the quote

Solution tomorrow morning.


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