Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Tuesday, 5/27/2008

New Word Sudoku Puzzle for Tuesday, 5/27/2008

Word Sudoku Puzzle: BLUDGEONS
Each row, column and 3x3 square contain the letters in the word or phrase exactly once

Here's your daily Word Sudoku puzzle, courtesy Dave--an amateur puzzle hobbyist. I enjoy constructing puzzles, and I've compiled a collection of variants of Word Sudoku puzzles, including 8x8 (2x4 internal rectangles), 9x9 (the usual 3x3 internal squares), 10x10 (2x5), 12x12 (either 2x6 or 3x4, but 3x4 is more fun), 14x14 (2x7), 15x15 (3x5) and 16x16 (4x4, because 2x8 is too much of a good thing). Of course, I can make larger ones, but I feel they get too hard to complete correctly in a reasonable amount of time, so aren't as much fun. The larger ones, above 12x12, are often tied to complete quotes, where the Word Sudoku puzzle provides the key letters to the much longer (50 or even 100-letter) quote. But I have some cute 8x8 key-to-quote Word Sudoku puzzles. I'll share one of the small ones some day soon. And I'll give you a 14x14 Hidden Word Sudoku puzzle tomorrow!


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