Friday, May 15, 2009

New Word Sudoku (Qudoku!) Puzzles for Friday, 5/15/2009

New Word Sudoku (Qudoku!) Puzzles for Friday, 5/15/2009

Today is National Peace Officers Memorial Day, remembering those men and women who have died in the line of duty. The Texas newspaper Cleveland Advocate reported earlier this year ( that there are more than 900,000 sworn law enforcement officers serving in the United States. In 2008, 140 officers gave their lives in the line of duty. More than 18,340 law enforcement officers have been killed in the line of duty since the first recorded police death in 1792.

A quote by the first President Bush is engraved on the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C., speaking of a peace officer’s continuing quest.

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle

6x6 Word Sudoku Puzzle
In each puzzle, each row, column, 2x3 rectangle and set of circled cells contains the letters in the respective words exactly once
Copy circled letters to their corresponding numbered cells in the quote grid to spell out the quote

Solutions in the morning.


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